
in News
19. 04. 05

In preparation for the storm season, please add these CodeRed phone numbers to your contacts list. By adding these numbers to your contacts, users of the Code Red notification system will know when CodeRed is calling and won’t mistakenly believe it is a telemarketer.


The CodeRED Community Emergency Alert system is used by Pennington County to notify residents and businesses of critical situations and provide information regarding necessary actions. With this system,

Read More: CodeRed Alert Phone Numbers
in News
19. 03. 28

Law enforcement officials are investigating an apparent arson and suspicious death at a residence located at 307 1/2 Arnold Ave. S., Thief River Falls, Minn. 

A 911 caller reported a fire at the residence shortly after 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 27. The home has two apartments, one on the lower level and the other on the upper level. The Thief River Falls Fire Department extinguished the fire and discovered a body in the upper-level apartment. 
Read More: Law Enforcement Investigate Apparent Arson and Suspicious Death in Thief River Falls
in News
19. 03. 11

Are you ready for severe weather? Each year, HSEM in collaboration with the National Weather Service and 16 State and local agencies and organizations sponsors Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota. The week is designed to refresh, remind and educate everyone about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them.  Read more...


in News
19. 01. 10

A few reminders:

•Give yourself extra time getting to and from destination if you must travel
•Never go anywhere without a full tank of gas and winter survival kit, including a cell phone charger.

Read More: Don't Crowd the Plow
in News
18. 08. 19

The Pennington County Board has approved a temporary watercraft “no-wake” ordinance on the Thief River from Long’s bridge to the countyline. Watercraft are now only allowed to be operated at the “slowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage, but in no case greater than 5 mph.”

The temporary ordinance is in effect immediately and until Thursday, Nov. 1 unless sooner modified. The temporary ordinance was approved to combat the spread of blue-green algae found in that area. At least two area dogs have died from exposure to blue-green algae.


New Direct Phone Numbers

The new Corrections (Jail) Phone Number is 218-416-7097. Please call this number for any inmate related questions.

Inmate voice mail line is 218-416-1120.

Sentence to Serve (STS) / Wade Cota - 218-683-7001

Jail Administrator / Dave Casanova -  218-416-7095 * Assistant Jail Administrator / Jo Williams - 218-416-7098 * Jail Programmer / Travis Black - 218-416-7082