
in News
19. 08. 02

Imagine being able to video chat with a 911 Dispatcher to show them your emergency rather than telling them about it. That will soon be a relaity for Pennington County thanks to a new software called Carbyne. Carbyne Inc is a global leader in public safety technology, and Pennington County is taking a huge step forward by enhancing their 911 phone system.



New Direct Phone Numbers

The new Corrections (Jail) Phone Number is 218-416-7097. Please call this number for any inmate related questions.

Inmate voice mail line is 218-416-1120.

Sentence to Serve (STS) / Wade Cota - 218-683-7001

Jail Administrator / Dave Casanova -  218-416-7095 * Assistant Jail Administrator / Jo Williams - 218-416-7098 * Jail Programmer / Travis Black - 218-416-7082